Little Voices

You have seen the surveys around the internet, hotels, and restaurants. They want you to let them know how they did after that customer service phone call. They want to know whether they resolved your issue in a satisfactory way. My favorite, they will email you to find out how likely you are to recommend them to a friend.

Likewise, we have our own feedback forms. Whether we are watching the non-verbal cues of the people in the room or reading the comment section.

The loudest form of feedback in your life is that voice inside you. You can attribute the nonverbal cues of your audience to bad gas or disagreeable food.

But the little voice inside you is still yelling. The voice is shouting at you. Filling you up with all the harshest criticisms of what you are doing and telling you, you are doing it wrong.

Sometimes that voice is healthy. When you are standing on the side of a cliff and that voice is yelling about backing away and danger. It is good to listen.

Most of the time, that voice is a loud noise trying to pull apart everything you are doing. There is also a choice with that voice. A choice to tell it to shut its pie-whole. After all, you are working and you have more work to do and people actually like the work you are doing. Not to mention, that voice is there to help make you better. Not stop you from doing what you love.

Do what you love. Do not let that voice stop you now.

How do you maintain a healthy amount of internal criticism? What do you do to silence the voice when it is hurtful more than helpful? What do you do to amplify the voice when you are losing touch with reality? Who helps you stay in touch with reality and not become too self deprecating or too arrogant?

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Scoot Scoot

Pushing an electric scooter.

Sounds ridiculous, but I did see someone riding down the street on one of those electric scooters and he was pushing it. Much like you might push/ride a normal scooter, but he was on an electric scooter.

Potentially, he didn’t know how it is supposed to work. Or he thought it was working normally and it wasn’t going fast enough for his liking. I have seen plenty of people riding them and, when working properly, they go much faster than he was going.

But in his mind somewhere, he decided the scooter functioned this way. He could have been fearful about going too fast under the scooter’s power and falling off and hurting himself. The scooter might have had a dead battery and he was the poor soul using a dead scooter. He may not have wanted to pay to use the scooter and instead he was pushing it purely under his own power.

No matter what, he never stopped to search it and figure it out. He never questioned the scooter. He never stopped and tried to see if there was a better way. He hopped on and whisked himself away. One giant push at a time.

How am I any different? I assume I am broken and my expectations are too high or my experiences are wrong or I am just plain wrong all the time. Probably more times than I notice really.

Where are you pushing an electric scooter?

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